Nee Sern is...

really really sleepy

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Communication breakdown...

Do you know how frustrating it is when your colleague and yourself do not speak the same language? That whatever you say is not understood by him, and whatever he says is not understood by you?

It gets nerve wrecking especially during a time of such high tension and difficulties. The project timeline is squeezed to the limit given the limitation faced in getting 2 foreign experts to consult the local team in a fairly new technology. While one of them had good communication aptitude, he had already gone off on another business trip. That leaves the remaining consultant who, unfortunately for some strange reason, has some kind of difficulty understanding simple English or simple explanations of key points during any technical discussion.

This kind of communication breakdown can only serve to disrupt the progress of the project. It jeapordizes the entire project team and has the potential to slow things down. Eventually, left unchecked, this communication breakdown will result in one very pissed foreigner who will vow never again to work with Malaysians.

On the other hand, this can be interpreted as one of the many challenges working in a multinational environment. Communication breakdown is bound to happen, given the fact that there are different nationalities working together under one roof. However, I have personally worked with colleagues from Thailand, Portugal, Indonesia, India, Taiwan and China, and sad to say, this is the first time I am feeling extremely frustrated.


Jyon said...

...if tht is the case, its the person di, not the nationality liao. even in a local company, there are alot of communication breakdown cos ppl starts to assume things and leave it undone. and ppl become DKDC. so, wht can we do? i try to be as precise as possible, as detailed to my explanation as possible, repeat myself many times, until they all fedup with me repeating, i email out, i draw diagrams, and i do everything to make them commit tht they understand. investigate to the very detail of it. do not leave anything hanging. flow chart, even the kiddiest of the flowchart style even my kid brother wouuld laugh at me using it. but then, i think its more of tht person's attitude or simply he is just plain mentally challenged. cant blame him, maybe he hit his head while he was young and he is fighting his way out. or just simply give objectives to achieve, with clear details, and if he cant deliver, so he is the one delaying the project. u hv done enuff to push it, but yet he doesnt understand, then it is his problem. and also the other guy who went on another biz trip, his RESPONSIBILITY to ensure tht the guy who left behind is good enuff too. so, the guy who went off has to hold some responsibility on this issue. send him back and request a new consultants. but anyway, consultants are not as smart as they think they are. they usually are not. so bear with them or shoot them back to their original country. the heck with him, if there is a tumour, GET RID OF THE TUMOUR QUICK. the wound will heal, but the tumour will cause DEATH!! wakakaz...

Jyon said...

...u know what, LAUGH AT HIM...wakakakz...laugh tht he knows he is an idiot who calls himself consultants...i so bad..i so bad..