Nee Sern is...

really really sleepy

Monday, February 28, 2005

INCOVAR Blogspot

So the first post has been uploaded. And currently we have 4 team members: MJ, elsf, AR and myself.

How to make it known to the public? I have absolutely no idea. AR mentions something about submitting it to Google, and some other gobbledygook which I do not understand at all. So I guess I'll have to leave it to him.

But what I really want to achieve with this blog is to create a virtual space where any of the INCOVAR Committee can log in and type in anything they want regarding our INCOVAR family. I believe that this can help us maintain the contacts and relationships with our Incovarians. I will be gathering the sheep into the bandwagon and hopefully create something that will be well-known by the world :) *kembang*

On work-related matters, I am having difficulty performing my tasks today. The server is experiencing some slowdown and had to be disconnected from the network. Thus I am unable to run any scripts which are needed. Hence, I can only do the work tomorrow. Which means that I had just spent the entire day unproductively. I guess I can tell how THAT will look in my timesheet this month!

It's just finished raining about an hour ago. I am anticipating frustrating traffic on the way home later. Wishes of best luck to myself and all drivers!

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