Nee Sern is...

really really sleepy

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

How large is HINDRAF's influence?

I stumbled upon this blog (Makkal Sakti) during my reading blitz. It is basically a compendium of news articles interspersed with the comments of the blog author. What surprises me is that for such a resourceful blog, the readership seems to be very low. I am basing my observation on the fact that there is not even one single comment left on the blog articles!

So now I wonder, if HINDRAF is not active via the internet, how united are their efforts? Are they merely communicating via SMS, e-mails and word of mouth? Will existing MIC members or family of MIC members sympathize with the plight of the HINDRAF 5? Can HINDRAF make history by contributing the deciding votes to a positive change in governance?

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