The writer of this letter has very valid grouses against Air Asia, particularly in terms of staff attitude and flight delay handling. In fact, I believe Air Asia should properly retrain their ground staff in basic customer service, courtesy and interpersonal communication. As for their cabin crew, I have no complains.
Nee Sern is...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
LCCT shortcomings not Air Asia's fault...
Mamma Mia! rocked the house!
I can see now why Mamma Mia! is such a bestselling show. The music is infectious. The costumes are meticulous. The lighting and sound productions are world class. The singing is amazing. The dancing - spectacular. In short, all ingredients to a perfect brew of West End glamour.
whole body aching...
...didn't realize that moving is such a tiring experience... and this was with full force help from my family... imagine if it were only myself!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wow... Malaysians are really getting creative with their violent acts. I thought that this type of crime only happens in the movies. Looks like I was wrong!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dinner @ Pizza Uno
Pizza Uno, formerly known as Pizza Italia, recently moved to a spanking new 3-storey unit in USJ Taipan. Along with the move a significant price increase accompanies... Crostini Platter toasted bread with garlic aioli beef bacon, smoked salmon with cream cheese, sauteed mixed mushrooms & mini bruschetta
Anyway, we had an enjoyable, surprisingly not super filling dinner there. We started with Gambas con Ajo (shrimp in garlic) and cream of mushroom soup. The gambas was super fresh and springy, and the delicious drenching of olive oil over finely chopped garlics, chili, and other herbs brought out the superb texture of the shrimp. The musroom soup was normal, nothing fancy to shout about.
We had 2 main courses: Fettucine Napolitana (tomato based vegetarian pasta) and Aussie Pizza (salami, pepperoni, peppers, egg and cheese). The hand made fettucine was amazingly fresh as usual, while the pizza was just the right texture to hold in the hand. Not as wet as those made in Marco's, not too thin such as those from Brava Pizza (Asia Cafe). The parmesan was kind of "musty" smelling, but I suppose that's how cheese is supposed to smell like.
We finished with a lovely strawberry cheese cake dessert, which was quite small in size, but generously filling. The bill came up to RM80 for 2, quite reasonable I believe. Next time I'll try their other tapas (the crostini platter sounds delicious :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
McDonald's Prosperity Burger
This year, it really sucks because:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Miyako Japanese Restaurant, Sheraton Subang
We were attracted by the 40% discount promotion with Citibank credit cards for the buffet dinner, that's why we decided to try it out.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I've seen several blogs writing about those cupcakes which are all the rage nowadays. All of them mention that they taste really good. I bought half a dozen today just to try. Indeed, they look very nice and colourful. But they taste really too sweet and after a few bites, it feels very "jelak".
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Congratulations Sie Sing & Lily!
It's always a happy and exciting occassion when close friends decide to tie the knot. What more when both the bride and groom are close friends. It was a fun day and memorable night. Thanks for inviting us to share in your joyous moments. Congratulations Sie Sing & Lily!
This post is dedicated to the most sober drunk among all of us!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The software tool which we use suddenly had a license error after a hard PC restart, and now we can't do anything... that really sucks!
Monday, November 24, 2008
It's coming along quite nicely...
Summary of works completed:
- Tiling
- Lighting
- Grills and gates
- Upstairs flooring
- Windows
- Bathrooms
Works yet to be completed:
- Kitchen
- Painting
- Curtains
Stuff yet to be done:
- Furnitures
Friday, November 21, 2008
5 Aggregates of Clinging...
The Panca Khanda are:
Rupa - Matter
Vedana - Feeling
Sanna - Perception
Sankhara - Mental Formations
Vinnana - Consciousness
And these 5 constitute all conditioned things, and thus are Dukkha. Our ignorance, avijja, blocks us from knowing the true nature of existence, hence we are sent through the unbreaking chain that is paticca samuppada. However, if we can eradicate our avijja through developing wisdom, panna, then we will see that our existence is no more than these 5 aggregates, always changing, with no permanent entity, and unsatisfactory. Then we will be able to taste the sweet liberation of Nibbana!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Paticca Samuppada
Monday, November 17, 2008
Beli lampu pun beribu-ribu...
Seriously, who would've thought that lighting an entire house will cost thousands?!
Friday, November 14, 2008
PAS non muslim wing?
This announcement has interesting implications. For starters, the party name PAS (Islamic Party of Malaysia) will be a misnomer, as it will also have a non-muslim wing. What other possible implications will be at hand?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Perdana expensive to maintain?
That's according to the Perak State Government.
Obama Victory Speech
I finally watched US President-Elect Barack Obama's victory speech on the night of the US general elections. I must say that he is a very inspiring figure, and the speech itself was truly mesmerizing and it sent chills up my spine. He's a great orator, and a symbol of change to Americans and to the world.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Recession is imminent...
The signs are showing. Governments all over the world are pumping money to revitalize the economy. Banks are lowering interest rates and increasing credit limits. Compulsory pension fund contributions are being reduced to encourage consumer spending. Hypermarkets are running 24/7 fire sales. And yet the populace are not buying it, preferring to safekeep cash in these troubled times.
Happy Birthday ELSF! :P
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I need to be focused, stop procrastinating and start doing the group assignment!
The title says it all...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What is recession?
When economy is suddenly affected by drastic changes (e.g. collapse of the US stock market), people are more reluctant to spend money. Hence, businesses have to reduce prices to encourage more consumer spending. But in order to keep prices low, they have to retrench staff or reduce employee salaries. Thus people have less money to spend. The cycle continues.
And here our minister is smiling because our hypermarkets are reducing prices...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Car sticker...
Today while driving to office, I saw a car sticker that says this:
UiTM: Hak Melayu & Bumiputra
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Read this article, and then decide for yourself regarding these key phrases and what organization should they refer to...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Again, anti-radiation people...
I suggest that you read this letter, then think about the following points:
How is it dangerous? Greater range is dangerous? Give some studies please!
The second situation is to do with the characteristics of microwave antennas. Generally, the smaller the diameter of the antenna, the higher the frequency and the less control there is over radiation being spilled outwards.
What this means is that the dish itself radiates energy from the sides and this is known as the sidelobe performance. If a one-metre dish is hung inappropriately on a building, the sidelobe radiation can spill over into the rooms to the side and below.
In one case, four of these high-gain WiFi antennas radiated into three condominiums and caused endless health problems for the occupants.
Please provide some technical specifications on the uncontrollable side lobes of high gain microwave antennas. Please also provide the case where 4 high gain WiFi antennas caused "endless health problems for the occupants". Otherwise, stop sputing nonsense.
There was a prior situation on this concerning Melbourne University where the top two floors were emptied due to an unusual number of cancers. All of the equipment met regulatory requirements.
Please provide the reference to this incident, indicating the link between the RF emission and the incidents of cancer. Otherwise, don't mistake correlation for causation.
Seriously.. why so scared to progress? Remember that by the time the radiated power from antennas reach you, it has degraded to such miniscule values (0.0000001W!) that it's basically harmless. If anything, you should be more concerned about the radiation from your mobile phones when you're talking for hours!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Overspilling petrol pump...
Today while pumping petrol @ Shell station in SS17, the petrol pump actually overflowed, i.e. the safety mechanism failed to kick in. I almost got drenched in petrol. Luckily I was not standing nearby!
Monday, September 29, 2008
The insult...
Scenario: you have been a partner in a coalition of parties that make up the ruling government of the day. Due to unfavourable circumstances, your party had a fallout with the majority party, and are mulling pulling out of the coalition.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Have I lost the ability to blog?
Seriously... these few days the quality of my blog postings has deteriorated to a level where even I am ashamed to read my own blog!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I can't wait for my holiday :)
It'll be in a place of tranquility...
Where I can just sit around and do nothing and pamper myself...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
LRT in Subang Jaya? No Thanks!
Do we really need LRT in Subang Jaya? What's wrong with a good and reliable buses and taxis? This is starting to look more and more like a money milking machine, rather than a proper public transportation system...

Monday, September 15, 2008
Why is my headline today about an African country thousands of kilometers away from my homeland?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Dealing with incompetence...
What happens when you have to deal with incompetence? Not just incompetent people, but incompetent organizations, incompetent processes - just pure incompetence everywhere you go?

Frustration sets in, knowing that you can't do much about it. Sure you can intervene for a temporary solution. But once you get out, the situation returns to status quo. No improvement takes place. All your hard work goes to zero and the cycle starts all over again.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Some things to consider...
When building a modern kitchen, it's common to ask ourselves what we want to install for our cooking area. Typically, nowadays we want a combination of cooker hood, gas hob and built in oven. The problem is, I have zero knowledge on these things! So how to choose the correct product?
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
This is how we spend our money...
Out of an annual budget of RM200 billion, almost 75% is purely operational. What this means is that we only have RM50 billion to pump into development, foreign investment, and social welfare. A cursory glance at the trend graph below shows that in just 10 years, operational expenditure has increased by 300%, indicating the critical degree of inefficiency and bloat in the government today.
We need to see a break down of this RM150 billion, to identify where this money really goes to!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Petty & Merajuk...
Update 29-Aug-08 1.08pm:
Hannah has responded. You go, girl!
For someone who isn't even elected by the people of this nation, this guy just wants to be petty about seating arrangements and even merajuk and wanted to walk out of the meeting...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Stuck for 3 hours...
Today I was stuck in heavy traffic for 3 hours, because of the dress rehearsals for our Merdeka Day parade...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Olympics and the...
Well, the Beijing 2008 Olympics have finally come to a close, with a very meager closing ceremony (in comparison to the outstanding and excellent opening ceremony held 16 days earlier).
Nothing much of note, except the unexpected appearance of someone who looks very similar to... well, I'll let the pictures do the talking. You tell me who that looks like!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Last few hours to spend in the airport...
Yes. Time flies. Am having a split headache right now. Not sure why. Maybe it's all that pineapple juice. Maybe it's the crappy 2 cup noodles I had for "lunch". Maybe it's the lack of sleep yesterday.
Whatever it is, traveling in this country is not so easy.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Blogging from Manila...
Am on a quick business trip here for the entire week. Might not have time to do any updates (not that I've been updating frequently anyway :P)
First impressions: quite third world, but the hotel prices are super expensive...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Diana Krall!
OMG. Diana Krall is coming to KL!
I really love her amazing vocals, piano skills, and coupled with an excellent song selection. Diana Krall is one heck of a Jazz artiste. And now she's coming to KL for a performance.
The only problem? Tickets start at RM288! OMG, what a killer!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
INCOVAR Dinner & Dance
How many years has it been since you last met all your friends from INCOVAR?
Wouldn't it be nice to gather again and relive those special memories?
Make time for those who matter...
Come to the INCOVAR Dinner & Dance, happening this 6th September 2008 at Holiday Villa Subang Jaya. For tickets, contact MJ (012-3517615).
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Drowning (2)
I am drowning, but no one offers their hand, but rather only their mouths
I am drowning, but I have no hands
I am drowning, but nobody cares
I am drowning, but so what?
Monday, August 11, 2008
We spend 99% of our time complaining about the 1% dissatisfaction we face in life, and we spend only 1% of our time feeling thankful for the 99% satisfaction we have.
We spend 99% of our energy pinpointing the 1% faults of others, and only 1% of our time to recognize and reward the 99% good achievements.
We spend 99% of our money on the 1% luxury items that we don't need, and only 1% of our money on the 99% of basic needs.
Our priorities are definitely messed up.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Filmography & Animation Workshop
This is Fooch.
This is MEtz Team.
They are studying very seriously.
They also got some acting and camera work tips.
Good session, everyone!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Perjalanan Ke Tengah Bumi
One word - forgettable
Two words - don't bother
Three words - watch something else
Four words - don't waste your time
Five words - watch The Dark Knight instead
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What makes a hero?
OMG. What just happened? Did I really watch a movie about a masked and caped crusader who dons a rubber costume and fights bad guys?
Or did I just witness a powerful interplay of action, philosophy, psychology, criminal investigation, tragedy and heroism, condensed into a "long" 2.5 hours of pure cinematic joy?
What makes a hero a hero? Is it the fact that he dons a costume and fights bad guys and saves the world? Or is he one who awakens the complacent into action by his outrageous antics and appetite for chaos? Or is he the one who forms an unofficial alliance between law makers and law breakers with the hope of bringing further peace to the nation? Or is he the one who charges through with the laws of the land in hopes of utilizing the justice process to nab serious criminals? Or is he the one who stands by another in times of difficulty, often offering nothing but comfort and silence? Or is he the one who supplies incredible gadgetry to enhance law enforcement and vigilante's modus operandi?
Yes, The Dark Knight attempts to ask all these questions, and by large it succeeds. Henceforth, I am labeling it as the most intriguing movie I've watched this year!
Monday, July 21, 2008
What is Buddhism?
When Buddha attained Nirvana, he spend 49 days meditating and just experiencing pure bliss and supreme happiness, untainted by any negative thoughts or feelings. Only after that 7 weeks of enjoyment, he decided to spread the truth.
But what did he teach?
Essentially, Buddhism can be summed up in these 4 points:
1) Dukkha (Suffering)
2) Samudaya (Origin)
3) Nirodha (Cessation)
4) Magga (Way)
All of existence is suffering. From the moment we are born till we grow old, fall sick and eventually die. Not getting what we want, getting what we do not want. All these are forms of suffering.
Suffering arises from the delusion that there is a self, a permanent entity called "I". When there is this delusion of "I", then there is the delusion of "My". When there is this delusion of "My", then we start to grasp at things. We crave for things. We crave for sensual pleasures, for being, and for not being. All of this promotes greed. When we do not get what we want, we become angry and upset. Hatred arises, and we become deluded all over again that someone has hurt us.
But Buddha also said that there is an opposite state from suffering, and it is called Nirvana. It is the complete absence of craving, a state of mind where nothing can make one unhappy, and he is always constantly in a perfect state of bliss, of pure happiness. And this state is achievable by everyone!
How to achieve this perfect state of mind called Nirvana? By studying, practising and realizing the Noble Eightfold Path, which comprises of Right UTSALEMC: Understanding, Thought, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Mindfulness, Concentration. By studying, one gains awareness. By practising, one learns through example. By realizing, one is freed from Samsara.
So, Buddhism is as simple as that. And the Buddha is such a master teacher that he can sum up his entire teaching in one word: Dukkha. By reflecting on this word, you realize that everything in this world is Dukkha. And by reflecting further, you realize the cause of Dukkha is this delusion of a permanent self, and the constant craving for material things, and the dissatisfaction when you do not get the things you want. But Buddha also says that there is also an opposite state called Nirvana which is the complete absence of Dukkha. And this state is achievable not by an external agent or god, but within each and every one of us. And not only that, he even taught us the path, step by step, how to escape from Dukkha and attain Nirvana. Wow, Buddha is cool!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tahniah, Pelancong Angkasa!
Yes, you have been honoured by the Royalty from Negeri Sembilan for being paid to blast off into space, pose in several photographs, come home to write a book about your experience, and being used in the recent General Elections campaign.
Congratulations, indeed.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
What am I to do now, but to find a quiet corner and snooze? :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
What does it mean to truly love somebody?
Selfish love - when one loves another because he wants to feel happy and wants the other half for himself only and forever
Selfless love (unconditional, Metta) - when one loves another for no reason except to provide that loving kindness without prejudice or condition
Compassionate love (Karuna) - when one loves another who is of less fortune than himself and he feels happy to provide that love
Altruistic love (Mudita) - when one feels happy about another's good fortune and celebrates the happiness and achievements of others
No love (equanimity, Upekkha) - when one is unperturbed by the outside and inside influences/changes, when there is no love, no hate, no self, no others, no thing
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Blogging from work...
This life is not so balanced after all...
Monday, June 30, 2008
MP or PM?
Update 30 June 2008, 5.17pm:
This test confirms that I am more of a Melancholic than a Phlegmatic...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Technical Problem?
Was it really a technical problem during the Transformation scene? Or was I just unlucky?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Coffee withdrawal syndrome...
I've abstained from taking coffee for the past 3 days in order to flush my system of the overdose of caffeine built up over the last few weeks.
Now I am feeling drowsy and not energetic, and I really need coffee!!!
A strong black espresso...
Or a fancy latte...
Or a Frappucino...
Just all sorts of coffee really!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I so want to blog about this!

Defragging my brain
I am losing my life. Past 3 weeks have been hell for me. Going through submission after resubmission after resubmission of the deliverable. Working 12 hour days everyday, with no time for my personal life and also my family. The work has make me so terrible a person that I even ignore those people closest to me. I become harsh with them. I go cranky, I go crazy. I totally give too much of my time and energy to my work that i forget the people close to me beside me crying for my attention and my love. Now I let it all out. I feel better but then my brain is still stuffed with so many things now that I need to sit in front of the computer to trash it all out and try to make sense of it all. Some more with the big bombshell that was dropped recently that make me realize how cruel this world is. They say that life is suffering, but always we think about it in a intellectual point of view. Only when I really experience it for myself then I really can agree with this statement. Recently life has been nothing but suffering. So much so that the people whom I love really can see the bad difference that has happened to me. I become easily agitated. I start scolding people and using really harsh words and tones. I don't bother about the world and the people around me. I am internalizing all my problems and stop all communication with the outside world. People misunderstand me. People misinterpret me. People think I am trying to avoid things. They think I am deliberately shutting myself out. But that is all happening on a subconscious level. Somehow being the Phlegmatic that I am, I try not to cause or be involved in any major confrontation. I try to just let it be and go with the flow and try to be happy go lucky about things. But when the depression really sinks in, that's where my Melancholic behaviour comes out. I start to keep all my feelings to myself. The outside world does not know what I think. I become a walking wall of silence. Nobody hears what I have to say. Because I don't say it. I expect the world around me to know what I am thinking but I don't want them to know. I feel as if I am bottling up all my emotions and hopefully they will dissolve into nothing. But sometimes the feelings are just too much. All the pent up energy has to be released somehow. And so the explosion begins. I feel as if all the pent up feelings released suddenly like a torrent of tsunami rushing through all the barriers, tearing down all the protection that I put around me to shield myself from the realities of life. I release myself to the world. I show my true face. And people around me notice me. Finally. I am now recognized. People know my predicament. But how long can it last? Before long I am back to my normal mode of operation. So, in the end I am back to square one. Nobody will know me as long as I am Melancholic. And I choose not to let anyone know by my Phlegmatic nature. Melancholic Phlegmatic is very potently dangerous. I always need a Sanguine person next to me to cheer me up. And so I have that someone. But sometimes that Sanguine becomes a Choleric and that's where I am scared. But somehow I can survive. Because those 2 traits actually help to balance me and offer me a differing point of view. So I become a better person because of this. There's just so many things happening in my mind now, that I can't seem to write anything more concrete. These past few days I have been operating on auto pilot. I don't even have time to stop and think about what I am doing, how I am talking, or what other people think of me. I was so hypnotized and engrossed by my desire to complete my deliverable that I choose to ignore all the realities of the world and concentrate on my internal workings to complete my task. Now I take a step back, and realize how foolish I have been. Finally I have released my energy, and I will be reclaiming my life back from the world. I want to be back in control of my life. I want to be in control of the people whom I love. I want to be alive again. Give me back my life!
Monday, June 23, 2008
I'm trying out for the free Evangelion 1.0 passes!

Garrrrrrrrr... git yer lazy bums crankin you lotta crab shticks!..... oh, wait a minute... I must be in the wrong movie set!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Help me?
Anyone can answer these questions. Just put your reply in the comments box. Thanks!
1) Can you describe an incident in which you had to manage a difficult situation or difficult team members/customers?
2) How did you feel during the incident?
3) What steps did you take to manage the situation/people?
4) What benefits did that bring about to the situation, and also to your personal development?
5) How do you think other people can learn from your experience?