Nee Sern is...

really really sleepy

Thursday, May 22, 2008


God. I can't believe that some people actually have the time to think about this type of things. It just goes to show how shallow some people can be.

Seriously, I just lost hope again. Is this what a progressive country should be thinking about? Looks to me that this "National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia" is stuck in the Zaman Jahiliah with their holier than thou posturing and downright insulting suggestions. They should be thrown into the museum of antiquities and left there to rot.

"It becomes a distraction to men." Perhaps it becomes a distraction to the men in the group only. God... I still can't get over the stupidity of it all!

*NBTD = Nothing Better To Do
*THMYC = Tak Han Mou Yeh Chou

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